Sister projects

INCLUSION links with the following Horizon 2020 projects and initiatives.

HiReach - Innovative mobility solutions to cope with transport poverty

HiReach aims to eliminate transport poverty by triggering new mobility solutions. HiReach builds on the potential of bundling and mixing dispersed, special and non-coordinated/optimised trip requests and needs from different vulnerable user groups to favour inclusive and participative mobility rather than exclusive/special and geographically-limited mobility.

The vulnerable user groups within HiReach include people with temporarily or permanent reduced mobility, children, young and elderly people, women, migrants and ethnic minorities, low income and unemployed, people living in rural and deprived areas.

By combining different attributes of available transport concepts and bottom-up initiatives with new operational schemes and IT applications, HiReach will explore viable business models for small scale, modular and easily replicable mobility services (e.g. community transport services, ridesharing, minibus/van pooling, etc.) that can be provided at affordable prices and/or with minimum subsidies.

STARS - Shared mobility opporTunities And challenges foR European citieS 

STARS - Shared mobility opporTunities And challenges foR European citieS - aims to explore and boost the diffusion of car sharing in Europe. It will analyse the car sharing market, measure the benefits of different services and compare their costs, and study user profiles and behaviour.

For the first time, STARS will also look into the implications and impacts of car sharing rather than on the implementation of the service itself. Impacts on other transport modes (private car, bike, walk, taxi, public transport.) and the car industry will be assessed, and impacts in terms of congestion, greenhouse gases, accessibility and social cohesion will be quantified.

Thanks to the knowledge gained in the project, a policy toolkit that includes guidelines and recommendations will be designed. It will help European mobility stakeholders and policymakers make the right decisions and implement the best car sharing services that will maximise environmental and social benefits, making European cities better and more affordable places to live in.

MoTiV - Mobility and Time Value

The MoTiV project aims advancing research on Value of Travel Time (VTT) by introducing and validating a conceptual framework for the estimation of VTT through a European-wide data collection producing scientific and policy outcomes, as well as potential business developments. The dataset underlying the research project will be gathered through the MoTiV smartphone app, which will combine and integrate features from a multi-modal “journey planner” and an “activity/mobility diary” in an innovative way. The knowledge acquired in the project is expected to contribute to the development of new mobility services and to the extension of existing applications, such as the ones offered by the business partners of the Consortium. An Open Dataset to stimulate further research on the topic will be made available at the end of the project.